Thursday, December 18, 2008
What are you looking at, 12:18 pm
Hundreds of brand-new bikes for Chester- area kids, ready to be tagged
and delivered as part of the adopt-a-family Christmas effort. I'm volunteering today.
My job is to match up these bikes with needy kids who have asked Santa
for one. I grab a helmet, tag the bike and move it to the other side
of the room.
My buddy Jeff is pondering why we're all here. I found a clue for him
this morning in a basement in Chester...
Monday, December 15, 2008
From the 'Why it Hurts to be a Skins Fan' Dept.
It's obviously harder to build a team with 12-win talent. I know that. But it is also harder to endure a three- or four-win season, and that is what the Skins need right now.
* They need to lose the rest of their games
* There needs to be no more than 20,000 people in the stands next week against Philly
I'm rambling, I know, but it's because I'm frustrated. Here's what I'm saying:
Seven-win talent means you'll be in the playoff hunt until week 13 or 14, the fans will be engaged, and you can justify adding players like Jason Taylor (who has given us nothing this year) because it seems like you're always one or two pieces away from making noise in the playoffs.
What is harder (and what Daniel Snyder will never do), is to eat all of the salary cap deferring you've been doing for the last five years, cut all the high-priced verteans and be truly shitty so that you can build with youth (like the Texans, 49ers - two teams with worse records that I would trade rosters with in a second).
The Danny's afraid, however, that the people will stop coming (see Lions, Detroit).
But that's what winning organizations do. They understand that you have to go through the pain of being truly awful in order to be truly great. Look at every 10-win team in the league right now, and you can remember when they were a 10-loss team.
So, I end up spending my Sundays on the couch in my basement, repeatedly duped by the possibility that this year will be different. I've figured it out now, though, and my eyes are wide open.
All that's left is for me to do is formulate a justification for becoming a Ravens fan. Hey, their quarterback is a Delaware alum, like me. Does that work?
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
I'm Not Sure Why....
...but this clip is really getting to me right now.
I know as we get to the end of 2008, there will be a ton of retrospectives on the television, radio and elsewhere. Everyone is going to offer their 2 cents on what made this year unique and memorable.
(One certain highlight of 2008 is the launch of Classic Old School Gear - Custom Jerseys. Made to Order - that's right).
This clip makes me think about the power generated when millions of people just say "enough."
I'm sure many of you have seen this before (it's the 19th-most famous scene in film history, or something like that). If you haven't, stick with the scene (it takes about a minute to set up), and tell me how the end of it makes you feel, especially consdering what's been going on in our world lately.
Monday, November 17, 2008
What are you looking at, 4:16 pm
Bridge, and waterfront Chester, Pa. in sight.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
An American Girl
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Everybody Won
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Do - Si - D'Oh!
We loaded up on pulled pig, mac and cheese, fried chicken
And, I managed to do it all while flying my uni-geek flag (note the vest), a tough thing to pull off smack in the middle of Ravens Country.
Now, I'm working on getting my in-laws to join me for a break-dancing exhibition. Wish me luck with that...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Throwback of the Week - Cash Money Honey
- I truly miss all of the "road baby blue" jerseys that team used to wear in the late 60s and into the 70s. It created memorable color combinations like this one. This is what i will always envision when I think of the Fightin's.
- The Fat P. Should say Phat P. I think your view of what is cool in the world tends to stop at the age of 18. Fat P was the logo at point for me. Enough said.
- I also happen to be coo-coo for patches, if you hadn't noticed. This one's a beauty, with the 76 incorporated into the Liberty Bell.
BTW, Dave Cash was an undrafted, unheralded second baseman who took the field with what was believed to be the first all-brown lineup in MLB history. Read about him here.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Here Goes...

So I've taken to starting a jersey design effort in my spare time (of which I really have none). Classic Old School is the name. Custom Jerseys, Made to Order is the tagline. It's been mostly word-of-mouth and word-of-ebay until now.
But now, I've merged onto the highway of eCommerce (that reads so much cornier on the screen than it did in my head). I'm advertising on my favorite - and the definitive - uniform blog, UniWatch.
That's my ad on the right hand side above the Google box. And actually, that logo is made from a picture of me in the 9th grade.
So far, so good. It's really amazing to see how many people have as niche-like an interest as I do.
Now it's not a scalable mega-business. That never was the point. It's just really cool to do something that I'm so passionate about - as a job.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
A Late Entrant to the Race
I fully intended to choose Nipsey Russel as my running mate, until it was brought to my attention that he died several years ago. Other than that, we'd be unbeatable.
As such, I want the guy who works at Costington's in the Simpsons, who always says "Yeeesssssss!" (his name is Franko Nelson, I understand...). I'm figuring that way, he'll agree with all of my policy directives.
Somebody pranked me with this today. Whoever it was, "You won this round!"
Actually pretty slick, I must say.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Five Ways to Tell if You Were Born in the 70s (#2)
Yeah, I know. Strong.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Mommy
watching the odometer roll over.
They are definitely the children of their mother (as my pop likes to
say). Their love of reading, art, reality television all comes from
I on the other hand can only claim responsibility for their sense of
humor, vibrant personalities and peerless athletic ability.
So it's clearly a draw...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Things I learned from my mother (Birthday Edition)
How to sense how other people are reacting to what I'm saying or doing
How to say 'eggplant' two different ways in Arabic
How to get along with anyone (as long as they're not jerks - sometimes even when they are jerks)
How to carry a pencil when running through the house (for the kids at home, it's with the point facing down)
How to treat people
That I could easily make it through an entire summer with three ingredients - couscous, cinnamon and sugar
That people can do amazing things when circumstances force them to
That everyone else drives way too fast
Not to leave a hamster unattended with a cat in the house
No matter what else comes and goes, you always have family.
Happy Birthday Mom. If I show up at your house with a knife and fork in my shirt pocket inquiring about lasagna, you know what to do...
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Back Again
Part of the reason for the lack of posts over the past week or so lies about 100 miles south of Hockessin. Yes, we just completed another week at the beach, this time with Meaghan's family.
Meaghan's Links 8/2

Been bugging the Mrs. that she should have a blog of her own. She certainly has more relevant things to say than I do, IMO.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Five Ways to Tell if You Were Born in the 70s (#1)
You think you're old school, but you're not really old school, and I can prove it.If you can remember four of these five things, I might let you slide.
- Burger Chef - This was the burger joint of my youth. Nicer than McDonald's, not as good as Red Barn (mentioned here), but Red Barn served a wider variety of food. Burger Chef and his sidekick Jeff also gave away kick-ass toys with their fun meals.
- The Green Machine - Made a Big Wheel look like a Baby Bjorn with wheels. The Green Machine was hardcore. Two levers to steer the back wheels. Transportation to the emergency room sold separately.
- ABC Saturday nights - Spend all day playing with your friends, and get in by 9 to watch the Love Boat, followed up by Fantasy Island. The Plane! The Plane! (I mean, Tatoo must have worked at that resort for several years, yet he was always excited when the plane showed up - like he'd never seen a plane before)
- Wearing your shoes out of the shoe store - I don't think people do this any more. I remember my mom buying me a pair of Puma Clydes. Without hesitation, I put my old pro-keds in the Puma box and wore those new joints home.
- Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince, "Live at Union Square" - Clearly a hip-hop touchstone. It's eerie to listen to a 17-year old Will Smith warm up the crowd. He couldn't have had any idea how large he'd become.
Wrap it Up
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
birthday. (yes I was the one who bought it, but that's not the point).
Out weather luck ran out as the clouds rolled in, but I managed to get
a little time in the 62-degree water (no, not a typo) to work on my
Most impressive? We went to Five Guys in Bethany and only split a
regular order of fries. This is no small feat.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Here Comes the Sun
Saturday, July 5, 2008
In it up to our....
Friday, July 4, 2008
Hoop Dreams Redux
Oh Beautiful....
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Throwback of the Week - Chi-Town
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Hoop Dreams
I've written a little about how my kids are starting to be drawn to the game of basketball. It's heartwarming, especially considering the fact that I haven't dragged, coerced or otherwise forced them to embrace the game.
Thursday, June 19, 2008

So I made mention recently of the KevinGrevey project. Here's the lowdown (also, you notice that techies and other nerdly-types generally begin sentences with the word "so?" I'm just sayin'...)
I started a project that was initially to be a Christmas gift for the Mrs. A couple of her favorite songs I covered using instrumental tracks and Garage Band. (click at your own risk. It's pretty bad, but seemed like a good idea at the time). But then Rock Band came out.
With that, Maya and Kevin got into the act. Next thing you know, we've recorded two additional tracks for the album, as well as a video and a live performance.
So, the album is called "3rd Finger Down." No original tracks since we're not original (in fact, we're decidedly derivative). The title comes from the finger symbol, which is a dedication to the late Sean Taylor, Maya's favorite 'Skin.
If you hold your middle finger down with your thumb, the remaining digits make a "2-1," which was Sean's jersey number (which we're all wearing on the album cover). It's also an obtuse reference to a lyric from Prince's Emancipation album, but that's way off-topic.
Anyway, we're clearly as dysfunctional as any rock band ought to be. Our lead singer is petulant, often loses interest midway through a song, and is missing his front two teeth (though they are growing in). Our drummer/bassist can be a little moody, and stubbornly claims to have never overslept. While our lead guitarist can't actually play the guitar.
Other than that, we're straight fire.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Made it Ma!
That was quite an interview the Big Ticket gave last night after the Celtics smushed (that's the technical term) the Lakers in a decisive game 6. If you didn't see it, you need to just watch it and draw your own conclusions. ("I have been usurped" - what is this, Hamlet?")
I'm figuring that moment was a couple of notches up from the Virginia Independent School State Championship, so I won't profess to know what level of decorum the aftermath of an NBA title calls for.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Throwback of the Week - Brooksie
It may not be of the week. It may be of the two weeks.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Things I learned from my Father

- Honor your parents
- Take care of your family ('family' in this case is not just limited to blood relatives. If I had nickel for every 'uncle' and 'cousin' I have back home, I'd have a lot of nickels)
- It's really cool being called 'Papa' when all the other kids call theirs 'Daddy'
- Kentucky Fried Chicken is great, but Red Barn Pappy Parker's Fried Chicken was better
- Don't wait around for things to be handed to you
- When grown-ups come to the house, you come over, say hello and shake hands
- Gabardine suits will be coming back - in a big way (if they do, he's set)
- Always let your guests have more
- Don't stand on the bathroom sink trying to kill a fly, because if you do you might get hurt. And if you don't get hurt, you might get spanked.
- Always make peace after an argument - we did it by pressing thumbs together
- When you join the Roy Rogers Buckaroo Club (pictured above), you get a free single patty hamburger on your birthday
- I think he taught me a couple of Chinese phrases. But I'm not sure it was Chinese
- You can never get tired of corned beef and scrambled eggs, or Cocoa Puffs, or Sara Lee Apple Pie, for that matter
- and most important, you can always come back home again
Thursday, June 12, 2008
My Man AE
We can’t solve problems by using the same kindCan you think of anyone who may benefit from this kind of advice?
of thinking we used when we created them. - Albert Einstein
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
The Apple and its Proximity to its Originating Tree
When I was growing (and falling in love the game of basketball), one my favorite things to do was read "The Complete Handbook of Pro Basketball," by Zander Hollander. Two main reasons for this: 1) It was the best way for me to work toward my goal of being to name the starting fives for all 23 NBA teams (yes there were 23 teams back then... let me know when you're done laughing); and 2) Hollander's writing style was hilarious and formed the basis for sizable chunk of my sense of humor.
On Dale Ellis, early in his career with the Dallas Mavericks: "Dale has proven in the past season that he will take a) no guff; and b) any shot"
Sunday, June 8, 2008

First, about the title. I'm not Carl Anderson, and I'm not sure a real Carl Anderson ever existed.