- Honor your parents
- Take care of your family ('family' in this case is not just limited to blood relatives. If I had nickel for every 'uncle' and 'cousin' I have back home, I'd have a lot of nickels)
- It's really cool being called 'Papa' when all the other kids call theirs 'Daddy'
- Kentucky Fried Chicken is great, but Red Barn Pappy Parker's Fried Chicken was better
- Don't wait around for things to be handed to you
- When grown-ups come to the house, you come over, say hello and shake hands
- Gabardine suits will be coming back - in a big way (if they do, he's set)
- Always let your guests have more
- Don't stand on the bathroom sink trying to kill a fly, because if you do you might get hurt. And if you don't get hurt, you might get spanked.
- Always make peace after an argument - we did it by pressing thumbs together
- When you join the Roy Rogers Buckaroo Club (pictured above), you get a free single patty hamburger on your birthday
- I think he taught me a couple of Chinese phrases. But I'm not sure it was Chinese
- You can never get tired of corned beef and scrambled eggs, or Cocoa Puffs, or Sara Lee Apple Pie, for that matter
- and most important, you can always come back home again
Thanks, Dad.
Happy Father's Day to you, and my older brother Patrick (he's the less handsome one on the left in the more recent picture).
- For teaching us the importance of hard work
- For never allowing us to take anything for granted
- For allowing us to make our own mistakes and learn from them
- For loving us unconditionally
Happy Father's Day
from my father...
question authority
it's better to make too much (food) than not enough
learn your history and pass it on
- For raising a son who is impulsive enough to actually order a "Hamburger Hungry" t-shirt from the Red Barn nostalgia site he linked to in his blog.
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